Factory Turning Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA

1.high quality

2. Long lifespan

3. Various grades

4.Competitive Prices

ለዝርዝር መረጃ ዋጋ ይጠይቁ (MOQ፣ ዋጋ፣ መላኪያ)


እኛ ጥሩ ጥራት ያለው እና ጥሩ ዋጋ ያላቸውን ምርቶች ለማግኘት ለሚፈልጉ ምርጥ ምርቶችን ለመገልበጥ ቁርጠኛ የሆነ በካርቦይድ ማስገቢያዎች ውስጥ ልዩ የሆነ ፋብሪካ አለን ።

                     Factory Turning carbide inserts TNMG160408-MA

-----Inserts Description:

Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel

-----Grades Variety:

Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel

-----Inserts Advantages:

--sharp cutting edge, small cutting force

--good machining surface quality

--special chipbreaker design to keep cutting edge sharp and safe

--good anti impact resistance

--excellent tool life time

Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel

-----Cutting Applications:

Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel


Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel

-----More Models:

Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel

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Zhuzhou Shante ቴክኖሎጂ Co., Ltd

አድራሻ፡ህንጻ 3፣ ሉጂያንግ መንገድ፣ ታይሻን ተራራ ጎዳና፣ ቲያንዩአን አውራጃ፣ ዙዙዙ ከተማ፣ ሁናን ግዛት

ስልክ፡0086 18473361685
