Factory Turning Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA

1.high quality

2. Long lifespan

3. Various grades

4.Competitive Prices

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                     Factory Turning carbide inserts TNMG160408-MA

-----Inserts Description:

Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel

-----Grades Variety:

Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel

-----Inserts Advantages:

--sharp cutting edge, small cutting force

--good machining surface quality

--special chipbreaker design to keep cutting edge sharp and safe

--good anti impact resistance

--excellent tool life time

Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel

-----Cutting Applications:

Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel


Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel

-----More Models:

Carbide Inserts TNMG160408-MA For Stainless Steel

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Zhuzhou Shante Technology Co., Ltd

ADRESË:Ndërtesa 3, Rruga Lujiang, Rruga Rruga Mount Taishan, Distrikti Tianyuan, Qyteti Zhuzhou, Provinca Hunan

Telefoni:0086 18473361685
